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Workspace Management


1. Introduction

The RiskStudio workspace is a dedicated environment within which all your risk management activities unfold. It's tailored to cater to different teams, departments, or even projects, allowing for tailored settings and configurations per workspace. This guide walks you through the intricacies of managing and optimizing your workspaces.

2. Functionalities

2.1 Automatic Workspace creation on new Account

Immediately after creating your account, RiskStudio automatically generates a workspace for you. This workspace serves as your initial setting for managing projects and risks. For more information on this procedure, visit the Account Settings page.

2.2 Manual Workspace creation

  • Access "All Workspaces" by clicking the name of your current workspace located at the top left of your screen. On the "All Workspaces" page, you'll find tabs for 'Workspaces' and 'Starred Workspaces'.

  • Click the "New Workspace" button to create a new workspace. Name it according to your project, program, goal, or entity needs.

  • In the following screen, add the 'Company name' and 'Website'. Wait for the workspace to be set up, then select it from the "Your Workspaces" page to start working within it.

2.3 Navigating between Workspaces

Workspace edit and overview

  • To switch workspaces, click on the name of your current workspace and select your desired workspace.

  • Alternatively, access "All Workspaces" for an overview of all your workspaces. You can filter, use 'List View' or 'Card View', and star workspaces for quick access in the "Starred Workspaces" tab.

Card/List view and filters

2.5 Editing Workspace settings

  • To customize your workspace in RiskStudio, start by clicking on the name of the workspace you're currently in, located at the top left of your screen.

  • Next, click on the pencil icon located next to the workspace name you wish to edit. This action takes you directly to the 'Workspace Settings' page.

  • Within 'Workspace details' tab, you have a range of customization options at your disposal:

2.5.1. Attach a Logo or Image

Personalize your workspace by adding a logo or an image that represents the nature of your workspace or project. This visual touch can make your workspace more identifiable and relatable.

2.5.2. Adjust the Color Scheme

Tailor the visual theme of your workspace by modifying the color scheme. This customization can enhance the user experience, making it more comfortable and aligned with your brand or personal preference.

2.5.3 Change the Workspace Name

Update the name of your workspace to reflect its current use or focus. A relevant and descriptive workspace name can facilitate better organization and clarity.

2.5.4 Workspace elements

If there are multiple workspaces under an owner, it is possible to limit the number of elements per workspace to allow elements to be distributed across multiple workspaces. If left empty, there is no limit.

2.6 Primary company settings tab

If your workspace is associated with a specific company, you have the option to update the company’s logo. This feature is particularly useful if the company has rebranded or if you switch to a different company within the same workspace.

2.6.2 Modify the Linked Company's Name

Along with the logo, you can also change the name of the company linked to your workspace. This flexibility is beneficial for keeping your workspace aligned with any changes in company structure or naming.

2.7 Report and Event settings tab

This section is intended to provide instructional text in the popup under 'Report an Event', especially to Guardians reporting observations.

2.6.1 Edit Explanation text in header

Per workspace, a text can be entered which will be visible in the popup under 'Report an Event'. The purpose of this text is to give an explanation to the Guardians. =

2.6.2 Edit Instructions text for Guardians

If filled, a text is displayed in the description field in the popup under 'Report an Event' which helps the Guardian to record the observation according to the instructions.

2.8 Danger zone tab

2.8.1 Delete the Workspace

If a workspace is no longer needed or relevant, you can remove it from your list. This option helps maintain an organized and up-to-date workspace environment, ensuring that only active and current workspaces are in your view.

3. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. How can I create a new workspace if the automatic one doesn't fit my needs?
A. Visit "All Workspaces" and use the "New Workspace" button to create and customize a workspace to your specifications.

Q. How do I customize my workspace settings?
A. Click on the pencil icon in 'Workspace Settings' to personalize aspects like the workspace's name, color scheme, and linked company details.

Q. Is it possible to have multiple workspaces for different projects in RiskStudio?
A. Absolutely! RiskStudio allows you to create and manage multiple workspaces, each tailored to specific projects or objectives. This enables you to organize and handle various tasks or teams under separate workspaces efficiently.

4. Related pages

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