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21-06-2024 | Version 1.4



RiskStudio v1.4


The latest version of the RiskStudio application includes bug fixes and performance improvements. The following is a list of improvements.

Improvements / Features

  • New Website Layout/Navigation: Redesigned using apps for improved user experience.

  • New and Updated Dashboard Widgets: Introduction of new widgets and updates to existing ones for enhanced functionality.

  • Workspace Customization: New settings to easily customize your workspace.

  • Subscription & Billing Enhancements: Improved billing process with recharging only if all existing payments fail. Controls of Risks on Draft are not counted.

  • Cyber Ratings Page: Updated the results table page for better performance and accuracy.

  • Event Triage & Risk Event Analyze Page: Enhanced with new updates for improved usability.

  • Risk/Compliance Library: Added new views for better risk management and assessment.

General Enhancements

  • Security: Improved security measures to protect user data.

  • Usability: Enhanced overall usability for a smoother user experience.

  • Stability: Increased stability for a more reliable platform performance.

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